Tuesday 10 August 2021

How to make Blogger blog widgets visible in Mobile devices #des786

 Hello friends welcome to the Techtspot blog, today I will show you how to make visible Blogger blog widgets or gadgets on mobile devices with Pictures.

make Blogger widgets visible in Mobile view

What is Blogger widgets or gadgets?

Blogger widget or gadget means some additional features for our blogger blog which we add for new other features in our blog like we add a page feature which adds pages and use like Menu in our blog and we can use as a menu, we can add about us gadget that helps our blog to display author details, we can add popular post gadget that displays popular post in our blog then the user can easily visit our popular blog posts, there are a lot of gadgets which you can add in your blog like contact us, create a list, translate button, blog stats, followers, search box and even ads.

Why we need to visible Blogger gadget in Mobile view?

Why do we need to visible blog gadget for mobile view, now I start with first there are two types of Blogger default theme view first is visible in large screens related devices like desktops or laptops and second is small screen related devices like phones or tablets that means large and small screen devices, now when we add any gadget or widget in your Blogger blog, it will appear in desktop version only it will not appear in mobile version.

Basically when we create a Blogger blog and use the default theme that is provided by the blogger then we add or insert any new gadget in our blog there are not chance to show in the mobile view, so we manually activate these gadgets or widgets for mobile views and using this trick our mobile visitors are easily using and see these newly added gadgets in their mobile devices, now let's start.

These are the Following Steps:-
Step 1: First open the Blogger blog dashboard and click the theme option then click the customize dropdown button and select the Edit HTML option.
make Blogger widgets visible in Mobile view 1
Step 2: Here you see the four boxes icon which appeared on the top right side of the webpage, now click it and select your gadget here by the name.
make Blogger widgets visible in Mobile view 2
Step 3: Now you can add mobile viewing code in the gadget line of code just like the given image did and click the save button.
make Blogger widgets visible in Mobile view 3
Step 4Now open the Blogger blog to check the results.

Before you enable the blog gadget for mobile view, first you want to check how these blog gadgets or widgets look like in the mobile view you can check my blog Techtspot in mobile view, I enabling some of my gadgets like join social, random post, tools, etc.. for mobile devices.


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