Sunday 15 March 2015

Increase Alexa Rank Blog or Website With 10 Easy Step

10 Step to increase Blog Ranking,, Website or Blog Ranking Tip, Ranking up your website, Alexa Improve Ranking Tutorial

The Alexa is the first target for every Blogger. There will be not even a single Blogger who don’t know about Alexa, and do not care about it. Actually, the Alexa rank does not put any impact on your Google Rank, Page Rank, Domain Authority, Page Authority or Blog Traffic. However, it could be helpful to categorize that which site is performing best.

Additionally, most of the advertisers check Alexa of any blog before investing on it. Therefore, Bloggers do take care of Alexa rank very much. Therefore, today we are going to share top 10 tips to increase Alexa Rank of your Blog. You may check out these tips and can increase Alexa Rank of your blog or website easily.

Query 1) What is Alexa?

Before moving ahead, it is my duty to describe Alexa more for you. Alexa is website which measures rank of every website. They define themselves as a web information company. Alexa rank gets updated every day.

Query 2) How Alexa rank is Calculated?

Most people think that Alexa is measured from traffic but they can take only the traffic which is passed from their systems i.e either your visitor should have to Install Alexa widget or you should have to install on Alexa widget on your blog. Now I don’t want to waste your time any more, lets go to the post. Here I listed the 10 tips to increase Alexa rank.
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Increase Alexa Rank By These 10 Tips

You are supposed to apply all these ten tips, and we are sure after that you will be able increase Alexa Rank of your Blog or Website. We also have applied and checked these tips personally and these all are completely workable tips. So, friend apply all these tips and get the awesome results for you.

1- Claim Your Site

This is the first tip which you are supposed to apply. You need to Claim your site by visiting Alexa and then Claim it from there. You need to add an Alexa code into your Blog’s root and it will help Alexa to track your performance. Additionally, it shows that who is the real owner of blog or website.

2- Install Alexa Tool Bar

Just above as I mentioned that Alexa is measured by the hits which pass from their system. So, you need to install Alexa tool bar for your browser and also tell your friends ,visitors and members of your blog to install Alexa tool bar. Then it will be helpful to increase Alexa rank of your blog for sure.

3- Alexa widget on your blog

You can not tell all your visitors to install Alexa tool bar so the best way is to use Alexa widget on your blog for good ranking.this helps advertisers to know about your site and there by it increases revenue of your blog

4- Quality content

We keep on repeating that thing that, Content is King here in blogging. So, when you share quality content that means you are gaining more visitors for you blog, which could help you to increase Alexa rank of your blog. Therefore, you are supposed to write quality content on your blog which can ultimately help you to increase Alexa rank.

5- Write a Review about

Here comes another best tip to  increase rank . You are supposed to write an appealing review on Alexa, which would add a plus point for you and could help you to increase Alexa rank of your blog.
Extra TipIf you started your blog recently then don’t write about, “How to increase Alexa rank?” As you have started  blog recently if you write this article many visitors will take that in negative way. So it’s better to write, “What is Alexa rank? How to install Alexa widget on your blog?” and such initial topics.

6- Comment and Build Backlinks

You are supposed to comment on commentluv blogs  and other blogs which are related to your niche. Commenting and getting back links from good website will definitely increase Alexa rank of your blog. Additionally, don’t forget that Alexa also take care of Backlinks of blog for fixing rank for any blog.
Extra Tip: You should write a guest post for blogs related to your niche and get back links.

7- Use Social Networking Sites

One of best way to get traffic and increase Alexa rank for a newbie is use of social networking sites like facebook. stumbleupon, Digg and reddit. And remember DON’T SPAM TOO MUCH

8- Review about your Blog on Alexa

You are supposed to ask your friends and visitors to review and rate your blog on Alexa. This will help you to increase Alexa rank. Additionally, this completely workable tip and you could really improve your Alexa rank for sure. So, do ask your friends to review about your blog on Alexa.

9- Get Target Traffic

The Targeted traffic could be helpful for you. When ever you will receive traffic from other Bloggers or Tech lovers then it helps to increase Alexa rank of your blog. Since, many bloggers do have Alexa Toolbar installed, and that thing can help you to increase Alexa rank of your blog or website.

10- Frequent and Regular Posting

The Frequent and Regular posting gives you many benefits. It is really good in terms of rank and in terms of traffic too. Therefore, you are supposed to write fresh content regularly on your blog, which will compel your readers to visit your blog daily and it would help you to increase blog traffic. Ultimately, it could be helpful to increase Alexa Rank of Blog or website of yours.


These were top 10 tips which you could apply to increase Alexa rank of your blog or website. If you have any kind of questions to ask, then do share them via comment box. We shall get back to you as soon as possible. Additionally, if you have found this guide helpful, then do share it with your other friends too.
Since, you may never know that your share may help any of your friend who is heading for such useful information. We are sure that these top 10 tips would be helpful to increase Alexa rank of your blog.

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